Monday, February 23, 2009


Self control is the key to saving wisely. Strengthen your will power to succeed!

Here are some helpful tips:

1. Once you've listed your saving goals, reassess them. Subtract the expenses you don't really need, and the ones you can live without from your income. Does it match up to you saving goals?

2. If there's absolutely no way you can fit all your saving goals into your budget, take a look at what you're saving for and cut the less important things or adjust the time frame.

3. Stop using credit cards. Pay for everything with cash or money orders. It's easier to overspend when you're pulling from a bank or credit account because you don't know exactly how much is in there. If you have cash, you can see your supply running low.

Credit cards are not inherently evil; it's all about your self control and will power.

4. Same thing applies for checks- pay with cash as much as possible

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